Jennifer's Favorite Photo from 2018

As a team, we always enjoy looking back at our past work. It allows us a chance to see where we excelled, and where we may need to improve. This year, we did this exercise a little differently. Each photographer chose one of their favorite photos from 2018- one that told a story. We’re sharing those photos and the stories behind them here. Enjoy!

Daniela and Nate. District Winery. September 15, 2018.

Jennifer Domenick

This photo represents everything I love about wedding photography. It’s not the most creative or unique photo I’ve ever taken, but that’s not what makes it so special to me. The father in this photo worked very hard to be able to walk his daughter down the aisle. He walks with a prosthetic leg and that took some getting used to after recovering from an accident. I love the sheer look of joy on his face as he holds his daughter’s hand tightly and Daniela’s matching glance captures everything they are feeling at this moment. It’s a moment that means so much to him and his family, which is why it means so much to me. I knew it was going to be an important image because I had photographed him at his other daughter’s wedding four years ago, when he was in a wheelchair and still healing. I understood the story of this family and what this moment meant to everyone present. It’s these kinds of timeless legacy photos I hope to create for all my clients.


Briar Patch B+B Wedding: Paige + Jeff


Venue Recap: Arts Club of Washington